Sebastian Lochbronner

Bye! Google removes https & www from Chrome address bar

Despite criticism and loud resistance, Google is removing https and www from the address bar in its "Chrome" browser with the latest update 76. According to Google, these two components are irrelevant for most users. This is intended to ensure greater simplicity and an easier user interface. Is this now also a threat in other browsers? Quite possibly, because Google [...]
August 1, 2019

Despite criticism and loud resistance, Google is rolling out the latest 76th update to its Chrome browser. https and www from the address bar. According to Google, these two components are irrelevant for most users. This is supposed to provide more simplicity and an easier user interface.

Is this now also threatening to go out in other browsers?

Quite possibly, because Google has advocated standardization here. Other browser developers are not obliged to do the same with Google & Chrome. However, the trend could become established in the long run.

Is it possible to display the full URL in Chrome anyway?

Yes, with the Chrome extension Suspicious Site Reporter the complete URL can still be displayed. Also when copy & paste the whole URL is copied to the clipboard.

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Sebastian Lochbronner
86830 Schwabmünchen