Sebastian Lochbronner

10 reasons why every business needs a website

Every company needs a website! You've probably heard this phrase before. But where does this assumption come from - and is it even true? Why go to the trouble of writing texts, searching for images and regularly updating content? There may also be costs for website creation, maintenance and web hosting. In this article we show [...]
July 14, 2018

Every company needs a website! You've probably heard this phrase before. But where does this assumption come from - and is it even true? Why go to the trouble of writing texts, searching for images and regularly updating content? There may also be costs for website creation, maintenance and web hosting. In this article, I'll show you 10 good reasons why a website today really important is.

1. easier to be found = more potential customers

If you want to know something, you ask Dr. Google. Right? To put it simply: if you have a "well-made" website, it will usually be found well. A good ranking in search engines can be achieved thanks to professional SEO measures. Your company will be seen by more people than if you simply place an ad in the daily newspaper or send out flyers. It takes a lot of effort to create the website, but you can also benefit from it in the long term - especially if you regularly take care of maintenance and upkeep. Content management systems such as WordPress are easy to use and offer a high level of security.

2. the bank is happy

Okay, the bank is happy? Yes, that's right. Bank employees also judge a company by how well it is presented to the outside world. If you need a loan or something similar from a bank, you will usually be asked about your website. The bank wants to make sure that customers can find you and that you are easy to contact. After all, they want to find out whether you are serious about your business and present yourself in a professional and up-to-date manner. Your chances are simply higher that the bank will work with you.

3. show what you have to offer

A website offers a lot of space to present your work and service in the right light. You can provide your customers with all the information they need in a very simple way. The customer recognizes directly whether you are the right contact person and gets a good impression of you. Optics and content play together perfectly.

4. earn money with your website

Your website can not only serve to provide information for potential new and existing customers, you can also earn money in other ways. Nowadays, even smaller companies increasingly run an online store that is directly integrated into their own WordPress website via WooCommerce, for example. This way you can sell your services and products online and theoretically reach people all over the world. Depending on the product type, earning money is then possible almost passively and you can invest more time in customer service and the development of new things for your business. Plugins for WordPress like WooCommerce help you to set up an appealing online store in a short time.

5. always keep the customer up to date

Once you have acquired customers via your website, you should regularly remind them of your company. A news section is ideal for this. The customer can subscribe to the news via the RSS feed and you can promptly share everything that is happening in your company. Promote new services or products, share milestones or give a glimpse behind the scenes. Many websites also offer the option of subscribing to a newsletter - once subscribed, interested parties will receive your emails regularly. This also helps you to keep in touch with your customers regularly and not let the contact fall asleep.

6. added value for the customer through helpful articles

Point 6 is very similar to the previous reason and yet quite different. On your website you can not only share news, but also pass on some knowledge for free. The visitor learns something and trusts you and your skills more and more over time. If you have a customer who trusts you, it is more likely that he will use your expertise and services. In addition, you can create topic-relevant content and thus achieve better Google rankings for keywords that are important for your business.

7. finding new employees made easy

Your company is growing and so is usually your team. Through your website, you can post recruitment ads and give applicants the opportunity to send their documents. Everything is digital and easy to organize. No more stacks of paper, no more application folders to send back, and most importantly, you attract more applicants who actually fit the company because they've been able to read up on a lot of info in advance. Such an ad is created faster than an ad in the newspaper and you can always add to it, shorten it or take it out completely.

8. interested parties have it easy to contact you

Sure, you could just put an entry in the business directory and hope that someone will call and book the service. Such a business listing is certainly not completely wrong, but there are many people who prefer to write e-mails than to make phone calls. On your website, interested parties have the opportunity to tell you what they need and where the shoe pinches via forms, links or questionnaires. Those who don't want to write an e-mail can still use channels such as telephone or chat. The advantage is simply that you can offer every conceivable way to contact you on your website and everything is in one place. The customer can then freely decide how to contact you and has lower barriers to contacting you. The easier it is for the customer, the more likely he is to contact you and your team.

9. your website creates trust

Visitors, prospects and customers like to come back to your website if the content is right. They can grasp and understand you and what you stand for. You can present yourself as you are and connect with people to help them with your service or product. If your website looks professional, your company will be seen as professional and trustworthy. Among other things, this greatly facilitates the acquisition of new customers.

10. safe home for your information

Who thinks that e.g. a Facebook page is sufficient as an online company presentation, does not consider one important thing. Your website and your web space with all the information belongs to you. A social media profile on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is not. Social media channels are important tools for your business, no question. But what if Facebook and Co. decide they don't want to offer this service anymore or only in a certain form that doesn't suit you? Your information is lost and you are no longer visible online. Everything back to square one.

On your website, on the other hand, you are in the driver's seat and have full control over what you publish, when you do it and what you want to offer. Your information can't just get lost.


Having your own website not only makes you and your business look professional, but you will also be found much easier by more potential customers that you can help. You gain more trust through a well-designed website and can share important information with others. A website also helps you earn money by presenting products and services in an appealing way.

It is important that your website is created professionally according to current technical standards, because only then you will be listed and found in search engines. The first impression counts online, too. And that's where we come in. We can support you and create your website according to your wishes.

We offer modern web design with responsive codeWe'll make sure your website not only looks good on the computer, but also looks good on tablets and smartphones. In addition, we offer you Support with the maintenance and care of your website. Our customers also come from a wide range of industries: Banking & Finance, Construction & Architecture, Coaching & Consulting, Event & Event, Health & Fitness, Education & Politics and many more. Here we score with our experience and can advise you competently. We know what a website must have, so that you have even more success with your business.

Curious now? Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment with us, where we can get to know you and your company better. We are an agency with a passion for good design, a lot of know-how and you also get delicious coffee. Let's hear from you... We are looking forward to meeting you!

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Sebastian Lochbronner
86830 Schwabmünchen