Sebastian Lochbronner

Brand Manual VR Bank

Brand Manual for VR Bank KF-OAL

VR Bank Kaufbeuren-Ostallgäu eG
Lochbronner Design Studio
Bank, Finances

A corporate identity manual was created for VR Bank Kaufbeuren-Ostallgäu eG, in which we collaborated on the concept and were responsible for the design. The basic strategic idea behind this project was as follows: "A strong brand is attractive to customers and helps to bind them to the company in the long term."

The 80-page brand book was designed as a stand-up ring binder and is divided into four sections: Vision, Corporate Design (CD), Corporate Language (CL), and Greeting Cards. The elaboration of these guidelines is intended to standardize communication across all VR Bank channels.

VR Bank Corporate Identity Handbuch
VR Bank Corporate Identity Handbuch
VR Bank Corporate Identity Handbuch
VR Bank Corporate Identity Handbuch
VR Bank Corporate Identity Handbuch
Image credits
Cultura RM Exclusive/JAG IMAGES, various
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Sebastian Lochbronner
86830 Schwabmünchen