Sebastian Lochbronner

Culture portal Schwabmünchen

Culture portal of the city of Schwabmünchen

City of Schwabmünchen
Lochbronner Design Studio
Public sector

Digital information platform for people involved in and interested in culture

Many people involved in and interested in culture will be familiar with the problem: There is often no central overview of all cultural topics in one's own city or region. Which event takes place when and where? Which regional artists are there to discover?

With the culture portal, we have jointly realized a digital solution. Among others, the client, the town of Schwabmünchen - in particular the cultural office headed by Dr. Doris Hafner - and local cultural players were involved.

All information can be viewed online and is thus even more up-to-date than in print format, for example. On the portal, under the categories Events, Culture is here, Rooms and Culture A-Z subdivided.

Programmierung und Design Kulturportal Stadt Schwabmünchen

All participate with

As the name Kulturportal suggests, this is a collaborative project. Organizers, artists and other cultural actors can publish their own information on the portal. The aim is to bring together all information relevant to culture on the portal in order to provide the best possible overview.

Programmierung und Design Kulturportal Stadt Schwabmünchen

Programming of the portal with WordPress

The open source editorial system WordPress served us as the core for the programming, which was adapted in the second step. The data entry was solved in such a way that all contributors only have the fields available that they need for their own purposes.

Programmierung und Design Kulturportal Stadt Schwabmünchen
Programmierung und Design Kulturportal Stadt Schwabmünchen


Any software is only as good as the support it comes with. Together with the culture office, we are available to all contributors, especially for technical concerns. In addition, some extensions are conceivable to further expand the functionality.

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Sebastian Lochbronner
86830 Schwabmünchen