Sebastian Lochbronner


Website for Munich real estate agent

Immosmart GmbH
Lochbronner Design Studio
Real Estate
Webdesign Immosmart GmbH

How do you create a website for a team of brokers who are anything but brokers....

( many people imagine realtors).

During the last year, we at Lochbronner Design Studio have worked together with Immosmart and above all Fritz Stelzer on a new website, which should convey exactly that: a company that just does not fulfill the typical clichés, but on the contrary gives everything for the customer, to 100%, as a self-evident VIP service. As a service-oriented company, we therefore paid special attention to the team individual pages, which, in addition to the typical "hard facts", also reveal unusual facts about each individual person and shine with employee videos.

Webdesign Immosmart GmbH

In addition to the branding & marketing aspect, the new website also had to actively support the team in their day-to-day business and relieve them of routine tasks. This includes, for example, automating the real estate listings so that they no longer have to be entered and updated manually outside the brokerage software.

Webdesign Immosmart GmbH
Webdesign Immosmart GmbH

In order to be able to help the website visitor even faster, a chatbot was implemented, which can process the typical requests and then pass them directly to the broker team. The little helper was christened "Immosmartling".

Such an extensive website project succeeds only through a cooperative partnership between all parties. The result is an emotional website tailored to a great team based on the CMS WordPress and the advanced Oxygen Framework.

Webdesign Immosmart GmbH
Fritz Stelzer
"Thank you for the good and intensive cooperation, which was characterized by quick and creative exchange and your knowledge and experience, which helped us a lot. I think we were all amazed how much time, sweat and love can go into such a project. [...] Thank you again for your excellent work and tireless commitment, now we will continue together, because after the relaunch is somehow like before the relaunch. A rolling stone gathers no moss." - Fritz Stelzer, Managing Director Immosmart GmbH
Image credits
Immosmart, Christian Schranner, Matthias Ott, David Seitz, AdobeStock
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Sebastian Lochbronner
86830 Schwabmünchen